Irish Eyes Photography: Blog en-us Sean O'Brien, Photographer, dba Irish Eyes Photography [email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:10:00 GMT Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:10:00 GMT Irish Eyes Photography: Blog 120 90 A Golden Moment  

What a truly special celebration it was…three generations of family gathered to celebrate the grandparents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary, and Pop Pop’s retirement after 50 years as a beloved teacher.  Congratulations Ray and Averil on your beautiful marriage, your wonderful family and the lifetime of lessons taught in and out of the classroom.  May your retirement years be equally blessed!

[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) 50 years anniversary Averil Boris Boris Family family family reunion Ray Ray and Averil retirement Thu, 06 Jul 2023 14:40:16 GMT
Ana and Nathan

When Nathan and Ana exchanged their wedding vows, they referenced their first date - a simple encounter that extended well over eight hours as the conversations shared were so right.   It was the start to a beautiful relationship that culminated in a perfect outdoor wedding one year later. I was honored to provide photography services, and grateful for the opportunity to work once again with the incredibly talented Leslie Hermans,  who partnered as my 2nd photographer!  

  Nathan and Ana - you are family, and I thank you for the honor of capturing your special day!

 I hope you'll enjoy this initial teaser set as Leslie and I continue to process your wedding images. We wish you a lifetime filled with happiness and love! 

Sean P. O'Brien, Photographer (Irish Eyes Photography)




Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grubel!

[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Ana Grubel Grubel Wedding Irish Eyes Photography Nathan Tue, 16 May 2023 20:26:22 GMT
Bethany and Liam

When Bethany and Liam first approached me with the opportunity to photograph their wedding, I thought the 18-month time frame was so far away.  Time flew however, and suddenly their special day was upon us.  And what a gorgeous day it was!  Perfect weather for a stunning sunset wedding atop the Bear Creek Mountain Resort.  Bethany and Liam were a beautiful couple, and the warmth, laughter and fun times shared with their family and friends made for a truly memorable day!  I was honored to serve as their photographer, and grateful for the incredible talents of fellow photographer, Leslie Hermans, who assisted me throughout the day!  While the entire wedding package will take some time to develop, I wanted to share this initial "first look" at Bethany and Liam's special day.

  Thank you for allowing Leslie and me to capture your special memories!  I wish you a lifetime of happiness and love!

Sean P. O'Brien, Photographer (Irish Eyes Photography)


Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo by Libby Burtner Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo by Libby Burtner
Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Ooooh, my bad!  Was I NOT supposed to reach over and try to kiss my bride yet???
Well... let's see if we can make you hang on just a little bit longer....

You may now kiss the bride!

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

The journey begins...

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans
Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Photo Credit - Leslie Hermans

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Liam Buckley!

[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Bear Creek Bethany Buckley Deppen Irish Eyes Photography Liam Mr. & Mrs. Liam Buckley wedding Wed, 05 Oct 2022 16:55:41 GMT
Destina and Gregory I was thrilled to receive the phone call from Destina's father last winter.  I recall rushing out of the gymnasium, where my daughter was playing volleyball, so I could hear the good news... I was chosen to be Destina and Greg's wedding photographer!  Fast forward to October 30, 2021, and a beautiful Fall day... what an honor it was to be part of their special day! I am pleased to present some teaser shots that captured  a few of the intimate moments shared that day.  Congratulations Destina and Greg!   I look forward to processing your entire collection in the near future, and offering you lifetime memories of your beautiful day!


[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) and Barn Beautiful Destina eyes Greg Gregory House Irish Jacobs Jacob's More Mr. Mrs. Photography St. Thomas Wedding Tue, 16 Nov 2021 06:18:42 GMT
First Look The day was absolutely perfect for Nicki and Sean, and for the celebration of their marriage at the beautiful Bell Gate Farm, in Coopersburg, PA.  And what a special honor I had to serve as their wedding photographer, and witness their love expressed in so many beautiful ways, including their First Look, just before the wedding ceremony.


While the cameras are still warm from the shoot, and the final edits will take some time, I'd like to present this little teaser of things to come - guess you can call it my own First Look - featuring some highlights captured during their special wedding day -  September 7, 2019.


Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sean McCoy, and may your new life together be abundantly blessed!


Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien




Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien


Photo Credit: Angela Romano


Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien


Photo Credit: Angela Romano



Photo Credit: Angela Romano


Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien

Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien


Photo Credit: Angela Romano


Photo Credit: Angela Romano






Nicki and Sean were now ready for their First Look...

Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien



Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien


Photo Credit: Angela Romano


Photo Credit: Angela Romano





Photo Credit: Angela Romano

Photo Credit: Caitlin O'Brien


With the First Look completed, Sean and Nicki would soon become husband and wife!















A special thanks to my daughter Caitlin, and dear friend Angela, (Sugartown Photography) for your incredible photography talents and assistance throughout the day. Thank you as well to Careen and the entire Bell Gate Farm staff, for your assistance and transportation to all our photography venues.


[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) bell gate farm first look marriage mccoy nicki sean wedding wedding ceremony. wedding day' yates Tue, 10 Sep 2019 05:10:29 GMT
She Said Yes!! May 4, 2019

"May the 4th Be With You" we joked, as we attempted to ease Patrick's nerves!  Months of planning had finally led to this day! It was almost eight years to the day, that he and Amber first visited this same Rose Garden, where they posed for their senior prom photos.  Having attended as friends, it would be another four years before they would begin to casually date, while pursuing their studies at two different universities - Patrick at Penn State, and Amber at West Chester.  And on this special day -  a return to where it all began eight years ago - simply disguised as a special photo shoot to welcome home their dear friend Emily, who just happened to be visiting from the west coast.  All of it a ruse, created by Patrick, with a little help from his friends, to spring a very special marriage proposal. 

Patrick meticulously planned every detail... the ring was beautifully designed to exceed Amber's hopeful expectations. Safely stored away for weeks, it was now within inches of his grasp, hidden away in my camera bag.  A dozen red and lilac colored roses symbolized their first encounter at the Rose Garden, while complementing Amber's floral dress, which Patrick (strongly) encouraged her to wear for the photoshoot.  The only thing left out of Patrick's control was the weather, which just twelve hours earlier included torrential downpours and localized flooding.  However, on this fine day, God smiled down and cleared away the skies just in time!  Yes, it was truly a beautiful day!


Emily's visit, while totally coincidental, provided the final detail needed for Patrick's plan.  We often talked about a special portrait session with the three of them together; However, when Emily left the area to pursue a new job, the idea was placed on hold.    Now back home, we not only had the chance to pursue the photoshoot, but fully engage Emily as a willing participant in Patrick's plan.

Soon it was time to make our way over to a beautiful little gazebo - the final destination for Patrick's proposal.  All we needed were a few more photo snaps to strategically position Amber for her surprise...

Wait...why are you standing and your Dad is still taking pictures??????

I think Amber's expressions tell the rest of this story!

Congratulations Patrick and Amber and best wishes for a truly wonderful life together!

[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Amber Coe engagement Future Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien future wedding Irish Eyes Photography irisheyes-photo Patrick PJ Wed, 08 May 2019 05:39:33 GMT
Behind The Mask  

This fall, while taking pictures for the Emmaus High School marching band, I had the privilege of meeting the Conner family, whose son Zach dons the Green Hornet uniform each week, and leads the Emmaus students, alums and faithful crowd in cheers for their beloved football squad.  Zach is a very special young man, who faces the everyday challenges of being autistic.  And yet, when he dons the hornet outfit, his wonderful and caring personality truly shines for all to see!  Last April, local newspaper, The Morning Call, wrote an inspiring article on Zach, his talents, and his family's efforts to procure a new Green Hornet uniform, which was later unveiled during the season opener home game.  I am pleased to present the following captures of this special young man, whose engaging personality shines both in the classroom, and from behind the mask!

[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Emmaus Emmaus High School green hornet mascot Zach Zach Conner Fri, 09 Nov 2018 06:13:31 GMT
The Colors of Disney  

Recently, I was fortunate to get away with the family for a couple weeks, including a week at Disney World.  For the most part, I embraced the vacation mode mentality.  However, on a few occasions, I could't resist the need to engage my D850 with a 50mm / f1.4 lens, to capture the beautiful colors on display throughout the four theme parks.  My favorite captures included the beauty of Pandora at Animal Kingdom,  the "Happily Ever After" fireworks at the Magic Kingdom.  Disney's beauty did not disappoint - a spectacular presentation of color, imagination and ingenuity.  Well done, Imagineers!  Well done!!



[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Animal Kingdom Avatar beautiful colors fireworks Happily Ever After laser Magic Kingdom Pandora show Walt Disney World Wed, 29 Aug 2018 04:48:51 GMT
Makenzie and Steve, July 7, 2018

The greatest joy I take away from photography is meeting special people along the way, and the honor of being entrusted to capture their special moments.  Such was the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bushold, who were married on July 7, 2018.  My relationship with the couple actually began one year prior, when Makenzie's Lysek's family requested that I capture some family portraits.  I immediately knew what a special family they were, and we truly enjoyed our 2-hour session together on a beautiful summer day.  Makenzie and Steve then asked if I could capture their engagement photos a couple months later, and as we headed into the colder winter months, I was honored to receive the call requesting my services for their special wedding day.  I have been privileged to photograph several weddings, and without hesitation I can say that Makenzie and Steve's wedding day will be most fondly remembered.  

I was also fortunate to have the assistance of two special photographers throughout the day  - Angela Romano, who owns Sugartown Photography, and my daughter (and budding photographer) Caitlin.    Their combined efforts truly expanded our viewpoints, while capturing beautiful imagery that complimented my own photography style.  It's hard to whittle down a couple thousand photos into a condensed wedding blog, but I am proud to share these special images that help tell the remaining story, and build upon my previous blog, The Cornerstone.

Thank you Makenzie and Steve, and to the Lysek and Bushold families for welcoming me and our team into your lives, and entrusting us with your special day.   I wish you a lifetime of happiness Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bushold!










[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) Irish Eyes Photography irisheyes-photo Makenzie Lysek Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bushold wedding wedding day Mon, 20 Aug 2018 13:24:46 GMT
The Cornerstone  

Black and white photography offers a chance to evoke the purity of content and emotion, and an effective way to portray two people deeply in love.  I was so honored to be part of Makenzie and Steve's wedding day, including their final preparations in the morning.  I am also grateful to fellow photographer, Angela Romano, who assisted throughout the day, capturing beautiful images like this first photo of Makenzie below.  Our job as photographers is to tell a story through our images.  I believe the following images capture a beautiful beginning to Makenzie and Steve's story...

Reading their letters to each otherIn their final and reflective moments alone, Makenzie and Steve expressed their love in written letters to each other.

Keeping to wedding day tradition, Makenzie and Steve decided to not see each other on their wedding day, until the moment she would finally walk down the aisle.  During their morning preparations, each took time out to reflect on their wedding, and read the letters they had mutually prepared to express their love to each other.

Reading their letters to each otherIn their final and reflective moments alone, Makenzie and Steve expressed their love in written letters to each other.

As their preparations drew to a close, one last moment remained...a special opportunity for Makenzie and Steve to come together (still unseen) and hold each other's hand "around the corner" while praying for God's blessings on their new life together.  With emotions (and nerves) now elevated, Steve waited behind the stone pillar as he heard the commotion building around him.  His beautiful bride had just arrived and was now standing only inches away on the other side of the pillar.

They delicately reached out to grasp each other's hands, and suddenly it became real....emotions welled up...

Composure regained, Makenzie and Steve prayed for God's blessings on their new life, while expressing their love and gratitude for each other.  Then after a tightened clench of the hands, they released their grip while staring longingly at the stone pillar that stood between them.  A man-made cornerstone - yet symbolic of their love that would now become the cornerstone of a new life spent together.




[email protected] (Irish Eyes Photography) cornerstone Irish Eyes Photography irisheyes-photo letter love Makenzie Lysek Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bushold Steven Bushold wedding wedding day Fri, 13 Jul 2018 23:10:18 GMT